Having a well-balanced meal is essential for our overall well-being. To ensure that one needs to include vital Micronutrients in each meal. It can be difficult to plan your each macro counted meals accordingly. Hence, The Kenko Life offers bespoke solutions to offer balanced meals at your doorstep.

Macronutrients are the three main elements of food that are proteins, carbohydrates, and fats. Including these three necessary components in your food will help you uphold better energy levels. Further, it can also help to build muscle growth and repair. With macro-counted meals delivered to your house, you can regulate your metabolism.

What Does Macro Counted Meals Mean? 

A Macronutrient counted meal is different for everyone. Such meals are crafted according to everyone’s nutritional requirements. However, in simple terms, such meals are categorized as higher protein, lower fat, and lower carb. 

As every individual’s nutritional needs are unique the team of The Kenko Life curates meals accordingly. Further, we understand that making macro-inclusive meals can be challenging every time. So, we have got you covered. Our team gets your macro-counted meals delivered seamlessly.

Meal Planning and Getting Food at Your Door-Step –

With the advanced meal planning solutions of The Kenko Life, you can avail the food that you need. The meal planning facility is proven to be beneficial for people who are following a healthy lifestyle. 

Further, it is also best for people who want to maintain a healthy diet, yet do not have the time and resources to prepare macro-inclusive meals. The procedure is simple and anyone in Banglore can avail of them by going through the following steps – 

  1. Meal Planning –

First, you need to sign up according to any plan that you feel fit and share your details. Our nutrition experts will guide you and create the meal to meet your food goals. 

  1. Food Delivery –

Once we have discussed your meal plan, our executives will provide different macro-inclusive food at your door.


In conclusion, having a balanced diet and macro-counted meals can be a game changer for your health. Consult with our specialists today to avail nutritional meals.

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