Refund Policy

In case a user is not satisfied with the services and wants to terminate his subscription following are the details for different plans

For monthly 

Once we get the request for the termination of the subscription, our team will pause the meals from that day and check the account for balance meals and those meals which have not been consumed will be refunded .

Refunds will be intimated and will reflect in the user’s bank account within 5-6 working business days. No refund is applicable on individual meals ordered.

No refunds will be initiated if the kitchen is not operational because of any circumstances which are not under the control of the management like strikes, natural disaster etc.

For 2 and 3 months

In case a user is not satisfied with the services and wants to terminate his subscription then a flat charge of 300/- per meal plus delivery charges of 30 per day will be considered from Start date till termination date, all discounts will not be considered .

For ex : if user has paid Rs 250 for 90 meals, cost comes to Rs 22500 and user stops after 15 days. Refund will be Rs 300 X 15 = Rs 18450 

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