I’m Pavithra KB, nutritionist at The Kenko Life.

Amino acids are the building blocks of proteins that play a crucial role in the human body to function properly. There are 20 different amino acids in total, and they are classified as essential and non-essential. There are 9 Essential amino acids that cannot be produced by the body and must be obtained from food or supplements, while non-essential amino acids are 11 in number and it can be produced by the body.

Proteins are made up of long chains of amino acids, and they play a crucial role in building and repairing muscle, regulating hormones, and supporting the immune system. When it comes to weight loss, protein is particularly important because it helps to increase satiety and preserve muscle mass, metabolism and fat-burning process  which is essential for maintaining a healthy body.

There are many different nutrients that our body uses to regulate metabolism and support nutrient utilization, not just amino acids. One of the significant ways amino acids contribute to weight loss is by promoting the maintenance and growth of lean muscle mass.

When an adequate amount of Branched chain amino acids(BCCAs) are consumed it helps more to maintain muscle mass when on a calorie deficit diet. By supporting muscle preservation amino acids help keep your metabolism functioning optimally. Some amino acids like Leucine have been shown to stimulate lipolysis by activating certain enzymes involved in fat oxidation.  

Amino acids can help regulate appetite and curb cravings particularly when consumed as a high-protein diet. It has shown to increase satiety more than carbs and fats. They are also very essential for muscle repair, recovery especially during calorie deficit as our body is under stress.

Amino acids not only helps in satiety and muscle building it also helps in boosting Thermogenesis; by helping the body generate more heat and energy from digesting food and burning fat throughout the day by supporting in weight loss. It also helps balance blood sugar levels as fluctuation in them can lead to increased hunger and cravings especially for sugar. Hence they play a major role in stabilizing the blood sugar levels by improving insulin sensitivity.  

However, there are many different nutrients that your body uses to regulate metabolism and support nutrient utilization, not just amino acids. While they play an essential role, they do not necessarily dictate the speed or efficiency of these bodily systems. Nor do they outweigh the need for calorie control and basic nutrition. An increased fat burn can certainly help your body eliminate excess fat more efficiently but this is only possible when you are in a calorie deficit. Consuming amino acids alone won’t lead to weight loss or fat loss. Consider them a tool in your weight loss journey, not a solution.

At Kenko Life, you can choose a variety of healthy meal options for your daily dose of nutrition. Call at –  +91 901906245

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